Participation in Socratic Dialogues & Conferences
On average, about 20 participants (from Belarus, Bulgaria, Germany, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, Russia, Czech Republic and Turkey) have been supported annually with subsidies for participation or conference fees.
Conferences, Workshops etc.
Individual support for participation / direct subsidy:
- 6th International Conference: „Living together in our modern world: Reason and the Role of Dialogue” (Chichester, 2009)
- 7th International Conference: „Philosophizing through Dialogue“ (Berlin, 2013)
- Event „Philosophizing with children“ (Prag, 2014)
- 6th Internationalen Colloquium on Dialogical Practice and Dialogical Philosophizing (Cambridge, 2018)
- 8th International Conference: “Limits – Borders – Boundaries: Philosophical, Political and Cultural Aspects” (Springe/Hannover, 2019)
Training of Socratic Facilitators
A total of 8 candidates have already been supported in their GSP training as Socratic facilitators.
Travel Costs
In 35+ cases we were able to help with travel grants.
Subsidy for production costs: „The Challenge of Dialogue – Socratic Dialogue and other forms of dialogue in different political systems and cultures“